Light and Shadow / class-5 / chapter - 11/ science / New St. Mery English School

1- What is light?

Ans:- Light is a form of energy that makes everything visible. It always travels in straight direction.

2- What is source of light?

Ans:- All the objects that gives off  light is called source of light.

3- How many types of source of light?

Ans:- There are two types of source of light.

1- natural source of light

2- artificial source of light

4- What are natural sources of light? Give example.

Ans:- Those source of light that are made by nature are called natural source of light.

Ex:- sun, star, glow-worms etc. 

5- What are artificial sources of light? Give example.

Ans:- Those source of light that are made by humans are called artificial source of light.

Ex:- candle, electric bulb etc.

6- How can we see things?

Ans:- When light from the source of light falls on a object, than a part of light bounced off. When this bounced light falls on our eyes, then we can see the object.

7- Write three properties of light.

Ans:- The three properties of light are

1- Light travels from one place to another.

2- Light travels in straight line.

3- Light is made up of seven colours.

8- What are rays of light?

Ans:- The thin beams of light are called rays of light.

9- What is rectilinear propagation of light?

Ans:- The propagation of light in a straight line is known as rectilinear propagation of light.

10- How many types of objects based on their behaviour towards light?

Ans:- There are three types of objects based on their behaviour towards light.

1- Transparent

2- Translucent

3- opaque 

11- What are transparent objects?

Ans:- Materials that allow almost all light to pass through them are called transparent objects.

Ex:- air, pure water, transparent plastics etc. 

12- What are translucent objects?

Ans:- Materials that allow only some light to pass through but not enough to see clearly through them are called translucent objects. 

Ex:- butter paper, frosted glass etc.

13- What are opaque objects?

Ans:- Materials that do not allow any light to pass through them are called opaque materials.

Ex:- metal, cardboard, rubber etc.

14- What is shadow?

Ans:- A shadow is formed when something blocks the path of light. A shadow is always black in colour.

15- Write four things that is necessary for the formation of shadow.

Ans:- The four things that is necessary for the formation of shadow are

1- A source of light

2- Something that blocks the light coming from the source.

3- A surface to form shadow on

4-A shadow always forms on the opposite side of the source of light.

16- Write short notes about the size of the shadow

Ans:- The size of the shadow depends on the distance between the source of light and the object.

1- When the distance between the source of light and the object is more than the size of shadow is smaller.

2- When the distance between the source of light and the object is less than the size of shadow is bigger.

17- What is eclipse?

Ans:- An eclipse occurs when a celestial object moves directly into the shadow of another celestial object.

18- How many types of eclipse?

Ans:- There are two types of eclipse.

1- lunar eclipse

2- solar eclipse

19- What is lunar eclipse?

Ans:- A lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line. It occurs when earth comes between sun and moon than the shadow of earth falls on moon. The lunar eclipse always occurs on a full moon light.

20- How many types of lunar eclipse?

Ans:- There are two types of lunar eclipse.

1- Total lunar eclipse

2- Partial lunar eclipse

21- What is total lunar eclipse?

Ans:- The total lunar eclipse occurs when earth's shadow covers the moon completely.

22- What is partial lunar eclipse?

Ans:-The partial lunar eclipse occurs when earth's shadow covers the moon partially.

23- What is solar eclipse?

Ans:- A solar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth and moon are in a straight line. It occurs when moon comes between sun and earth than the shadow of moon falls on earth. The solar eclipse always occurs on a new moon day.

24- How many types of solar eclipse?

Ans:- There are two types of solar eclipse.

1- Total solar eclipse

2- Partial solar eclipse

25- What is total solar eclipse?

Ans:- An eclipse of the sun in which the moon completely hides the solar surface and thereby cuts off all direct rays of sunlight from the observer is called total solar eclipse. 

26- What is partial solar eclipse?

Ans:- An eclipse of the sun in which the moon does not completely hides the solar surface so that some direct rays of sunlight reach the observer is called partial solar eclipse.

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