NCERT solutions for class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues- New St. Mery English School

 What is a tissue?

Ans:- A group of cells of similar structure combined together to perform a specific function forms a tissue.

Write three importance of tissue

The three importance of tissue are

1- Tissue performs division of labour in multicellular organism.

2- Tissue decreases workload on individual cells.

3- Tissues combine together to form an organisation.

cells → tissues → organs → organ system → organism

How many types of tissue ?

Ans:- There are two types of tissue

1- plant tissue

2- animal tissue

How many types of plant tissue?

Ans:- There are two types of plant tissue.

1- meristematic tissue ( It is responsible for growth of plant. A baby plant developed from a meristematic tissue. )

2- permanent tissue

How many types of meristematic tissue?

Ans:- There are three types of meristematic tissue.

1-Apical meristem

2-Lateral meristem

3-Intercalary meristem

How many types of permanent tissue?

There are two types of permanent tissue

1- simple tissue

2- complex tissue

How many types of simple tissue?

There are three types of simple tissue

1- parenchyma

2- collenchyma


How many types of complex tissue

There are two types of complex tissue

1- phloem

2- xylem

Notes:- Phloem and xylem is responsible for sending food and water to all parts of plant. The combination of  phloem and xylem is known as vascular bundle.

How many types of  phloem

There are four types of phloem.

1- sieve tubes

2- companion tubes

3-phloem parenchyma

4- phloem fibres

How many types of xylem?

There are four types of xylem.

1- vessels

2- tracheids

3- Xylem parenchyma

4- xylem sclerenchyma 

Animal tissue

How many types of animal tissue?

Ans:- There are four types of animal tissue.

1- Epithelial tissue

2- Muscular tissue

3- Connective tissue ( Bones and blood are made of connective tissue. )

4- nervous tissue

How many types of Epithelial tissue?

Ans:- There are four types of epithelial tissue

1- squamous tissue

2- cuboidal tissue

3- glandular tissue

4- ciliated tissue

How many types of muscular tissue?

There are three types of muscular tissue.

1- Skeletal tissue

2- smooth tissue

3- cardiac tissue

How many types of connective tissue

There are four types of connective tissue

1- areolar

2- adipose

3- skeletal

4- fluid

How many types of areolar tissue

Ans:- There are two types of areolar tissue

1- loose tissue

2- dense tissue

How many types of dense tissue

There are two types of dense tissue

1- tendon

2- ligament

How many types of skeletal tissue

There are two types of skeletal system

1- cartilage

2- bone

How many types of fluid

Ans:- There are two types of fluid

1- blood

2- lymph

Meristematic tissues (Plant tissue )

Meristematic tissues are responsible for growth of plant. They help the seeds to become a plant, A plant to becomes a tree.They are present in the growing reason of plants like root and shoot etc. They are spherical, oval or rectangular in shape. The intercellular spaces are absent in meristematic tissues. Vacuoles are absent in Meristematic tissues. Meristematic tissues are very active tissues and perform continuously cell division. In Meristematic tissues cytoplasm is very dense. In Meristematic tissues cell wall is made up of cellulose. In Meristematic tissues nuclei is prominent and perform cell division regularly. They are also known as differentiated tissues.

There are three types of Meristematic tissues.

1-Apical meristem

2-Lateral meristem

3-Intercalary meristem

What are nodes?

Ans:- The parts of stem from where the leaves come out is called noes. 

What is internode?

Ans:- The distance between two nodes is called internodes.

Apical meristem

Apical meristem is present at the tip of root and shoot. It helps to increase length of root and shoot.

Intercalary meristem

it is present at the base of leaves and at internodes of plants. It helps to increase the length of organs like leaves and internodes. 

Lateral meristem

Lateral meristem is present beneath the bark of stem. It helps to increase the girth of root and stem.

What is primary growth in a plant?  

Ans:- The vertical growth of a plant is called primary growth in a plant. In primary growth , shoot grows in upward direction and root grows in downward direction

What is secondary growth of plant?

Ans:- The growth in girth of a plant is called secondary growth. 

Permanent tissue

Those tissues in which cells lose the ability to divide and take up a specific role. They acquire a specific shape and structure.They start to perform a specific function are called permanent tissues. They are also called differentiated tissues. Permanent tissues are formed from Meristematic tissues. 

What is differentiation?

The process of taking up permanent shape, size and function is called differentiation. Permanent tissues are formed by the process of differentiation.

Write the Structure of permanent tissues

They have large central vacuole.

They have thin or thick cell wall depending on their function.

Write the functions of permanent tissues.

They provide protection to the plant.

They provide support to the plant.

They help the plants in storage.

They helps the plant in photosynthesis.

How many types of permanent tissue?

Ans:- There are two types of permanent tissue

1- simpe permanent tissue

2- complex permanent tissue

What is simple permanent tissue

The tissue that is made of similar type of cells is called simple permanent tissue. The cells of simple permanent tissue are structurally and functionally similar.

How many types of simple tissue?

There are three types of simple permanent tissue

1- parenchyma tissue

2- collenchyma tissue

3-sclerenchyma tissue

parenchyma tissue

 parenchyma tissue is present in stem, roots, leaves, flowers and fruits.  It is found in every part of plant.

cell structure 

1- It has thin cell wall.

2- It has round, polygonal or elongated shape

3- intercellular spaces are present in this tissue.


1- It is a food storage tissue. It stores food for plant cells.

2- In some cases , It consists chlorophyll. Thus it is called chlorenchyma

3- In parenchyma tissue, when loosely packed intercellular spaces are present called aerenchyma. Aerenchyma provides buoyancy to parts of plant and help the plants to float

How many types of parenchyma?

There are two types of parenchyma


2- aerenchyma

What is chlorenchyma?

Ans:- Those parenchyma tissues which stores chlorophyll is called chlorenchyma.

What is aerenchyma?

Those parenchyma tissues which helps the water plant to float is called aerenchyma. aerenchyma has very loosely packed intercellular space which provides buoyancy to water plants and help the plants float. 

Collenchyma ( Second types of permanant tissue )


 Collenchyma is a type of permanent tissue that is found in leaf stalks and stem of dicots.

Structure of cells

 It is a living tissue. it is elongated in shape. It is irregularly thickened at the corners. They have very little intercellular space.

collenchyma is a mechanical tissue. It provides mechanical strength to those parts of plants where it is found. It provides flexibility to the part of plant. It also allows bending of some parts of plants like tendrils or climbers.

Sclerenchyma ( third type of permanent tissue)


Sclerenchyma is present around the vascular bundles of stems. it is also found in veins of leaves. It is also found in hard covering of seeds and nuts like husk of coconut and wall nuts. 


Sclerenchyma is a long and narrow tissue. The wall of sclerenchyma is thickened by a substance called ligin. The cell cavity is absent due to excessive thickness of wall. The inter cellular spaces are absent. Sclerenchyma is a dead tissue.


Sclerenchyma provides strength to the plant cell. It provides protection to the inner content. 

Protective tissue

Those plant tissues that provide protection to the plant is called protective tissue.

There are two types of protective tissue

1- Epidermis

2- cork

Epidermis tissue ( first type of protective protective tissue )

Epidermis tissue is a type of protective tissue that is found in new born root and shoot.

animals have outer most covering called skin but plants have outermost covering called epidermis.

The outermost covering of a plant that allows an object to go inside or outside of a plant.


Epidermis is made of single layer of cells. The cells of epidermis tissue are enlongated and flat. There is no intercellular spaces in Epidermis.


Epidermis tissues are present on the outermost layer of all plants like leaves, flowers, stems and root.


1- Epidermis tissue protects all parts of plants.Plants of dry habitats have thicker epidermis which prevents water loss.

2- Epidermis tissue of desert plants release a waxy material called cutin. and the layer of cutin is called cuticle.In desert plant a layer of cuticle is present which is water resistance.Cuticle protects the desert plants against water loss, injury and invasion by fungi.

3- The Epidermis of aerial parts of plant also secrets waxy like substance which protects the plant against water loss, injury and fungi infection.

4- Epidermis tissue is also present in root in the form of hair like structure which increase the surface area of absorptiontion and help the root to absorb more water and minerals.

5- Epidermis tissues form stomata . some parts of leaf have no epidermis tissues which help in making pores. this pores is called stomata. Stomata helps in gasious exchange. It also helps in releasing water vapour. 

Stomata are guarded by guard cells. Guard cells are kidney shaped. Guard cells regulate gaseous exchange.

Cork ( second type of protective tissue)

Cork is a type of protective tissue. It is found in mature roots and shoots. cork replace the epidermis.


Cork is external protective tissue. It is dead. It is compactly arranged cells. The intercellular spaces is absent. The wall of cork cell have suberin. The cork cell secrets suberin which helps in regulates gaseous exchange and water vapour.


It provides protection to mature roots and shoots. It secrets suberin which regulates gaseous exchange and water passage.

Complex permanent tissue 

The permanent tissue that is made up of more than one type of cells is called complex permanent tissue. All the cells of complex permanent tissue coordinate to perform common function. They are also called conducting tissue because they conduct water and food to all parts of plant.


It transport water, minerals and food materials. 

How many types of complex permanent tissue?

Ans:- There are two types of complex permanent tissue

1- xylem

2- Phloem

What do you mean by xylem?

Ans:- Xylem is a type of complex permanent tissue. It is also called conducting tissue. They conduct water and minerals from root to shoot.

By how many types of  cells, xylem is formed

Ans:- Xylem is formed by three types of cells

1- Tracheids

2- Vessel

3- Xylem parenchyma

4- Xylem Sclerenchyma

What do you mean by Tracheids?

Ans:- tracheids is a type of cells that forms xylem. It is a tube like structure. It is elongated cells. It has tapering ends therefor they are arranged side by side.   It has pits that conduct water from one tracheids to another. The cellwall of tracheids is lignified. the cellwall of tracheids is made of lignin and the cell wall of tracheids is dead.

What do you mean by Vessel?

Ans:- Vessel is a type of cell that forms xylem. It is a tube like structure. vessels have end to end arrangement of cells. It conducts water. The cellwall of vessels are lignified. The cellwall of vessel is made of lignin and the cellwall of vessel is dead.

What do you mean by xylem parenchyma?

Ans:- Xylem parenchyma is a type of cell that form xylem. It stores food. It is living cell. It is a cell whose nucleus and cytoplasm is clearly visible.

What do you mean by Xylem sclerenchyma?

Ans:- Xylem sclerenchyma is a type of cell that form xylem. It provides strength to the xylem. The cellwall of Xylem sclerenchyma is made of lignin. The cellwall of Xylem sclerenchyma is dead.

Phloem ( second types of complex permanent tissue )

What do you mean by phloem?

Ans:- Phloem is a type of complex permanent tissue. It is also called conducting tissue. They conduct food to different parts of plant.

By how many types of  cells, phloem is formed

Ans:- phloem is formed by three types of cells

1-Sieve tubes

2-Companion cells


4- Phloem sclerenchyma

What do you mean by sieve tubes.

Ans:- Sieve tubes are the tube shaped cells. They are made of thin cellwall. They are placed one above the other.The end wall of sieve tubes are porous.sieve plates are present at the end of sieve tubes .

What do you mean by companion cells?

Ans:- Companion cells are associated with sieve tubes. They help the sieve tubes in their functions. They have thin cellwall.

What is lateral conduction of food?

Ans:- The movement of food in horizontal direction is called lateral conduction of food.

What do you mean by phloem parenchyma?

Ans:- Phloem parenchyma is a living cell. It stores food. It perform lateral conduction of food. 

What do you mean by phloem sclerenchyma?

Ans:- Phloem sclerenchyma is a dead cell. It has thick cell wall. It provides mechanical strength to the phloem.

Animal tissue

Epithelial tissue

Epithelial tissue is the covering or protective tissues in animal body. They cover and protect the internal part of animal body. Epithelial cells are tightly packed. Epithelial cells form continuous sheet so that it is present at every part of body. The intercellular spaces are absent. All epithelial tissues are separated by others through basement membrane.

What is the difference between lining and covering?

Ans:-The inside coating of a body is called lining but the outside coating of a body is called covering.

Function of Epithelial tissue

Epithelial tissue provides protection to body from injury, infection or damage. It forms lining of mouth and alimentary absorb water and nutrients. It eliminates wastes from body. 

Squamous epithelial tissue ( first type of Epithelial tissue )

 Squamous epithelial tissue is made up of extremely thin cell. Cells of Squamous epithelial tissue are flat. Cells of Squamous epithelial tissue are irregularly shaped. 

There are two types of Squamous epithelial tissue

1- Simple Squamous tissue

2- Stratified squamous tissue

Simple squamous tissue

 In Simple squamous tissue cells formed a single layer. It forms delicate lining. It is found in mouth, and oesophagus .

Stratified squamous tissue

In Stratified squamous tissue cells formed many layers. It prevent the body from wear and tear. It is found in skin. 

Cuboidal epithelial tissue ( Second type of Epithelial tissue )


Cuboidal epithelial tissue are made of cube like cells. The cells of Cuboidal epithelial tissue are as tall as they wide. The cells of Cuboidal epithelial tissue have fine nucleus and cytoplasm. They are found above a basement membrane.


They are present at sweat glands, salivary glands, thyroid glands and lining of kidney tubules. 


Cuboidal epithelial tissues perform absorption, secretion and protection.

Columnar epithelial tissue


Columnar epithelial tissues are made of pillar like cells. These cells are more tall than wide. Columnar epithelial tissues have fine nucleus and cytoplasm. They are found above a basement membrane.


Columnar epithelial tissues are found in lining of intestine, lining of stomach and lining of gallbladder.


Columnar epithelial tissues perform absorption, secretion and protection. 

What is celia?

Ans:- The here like projection that is present on cell is called celia. 

What is free surface of  Epithelial tissue?

Ans:- The surface of tissue that is not attached to basement membrane is called free surface of  Epithelial tissue. 

What is Respiratory tract?

Ans:- The Respiratory system is also called Respiratory tract.

What is fallopian tube?

Ans:- fallopian tube is a tube that is present between uterus and overy.

What is rhythmic beating?

Ans:- The movement of an object with rhythm is called rhythmic beating.

Ciliated Epithelial tissue

Those Epithelial tissues that have cilia like projections are called Ciliated Epithelial tissues. These tissues help the things to move from one place to another.


The shape of cells of Ciliated Epithelial tissues is either cuboidal or columnar. The cells of Ciliated Epithelial tissues have cilia on free surface. Cilia is the hair like projection on cell that facilitats movements. Cilia helps any particles to move from one place to another. 


Ciliated Epithelial tissues are present in respiratory trct. 
Ciliated Epithelial tissues are present in Urinary tubules of kidney.
Ciliated Epithelial tissues are present in fallopian tubes.
Note:- Ciliated Epithelial tissues occur on those places where movement required.

Ciliated Epithelial tissues perform movement of mucus, urine, eggs etc. through rhythmic beating of cilia.

Muscular tissue ( second type of animal tissue )

Muscular tissues make the muscles of animal body. It helps in movement, locomotion and making a proper posture. All the internal organs like stomach, intestine, lungs, heart etc. are made of muscular tissue.


Muscular tissue is composed of muscle cells or muscle fibres.
muscle cells or muscle fibres are elongated and large sized.
muscle cells or muscle fibres have contractile proteins. The contractile proteins help in contraction and relaxation of muscles. These contraction and relaxation help the body in movement.

How many types of muscular tissue?
Ans:- There are three types of muscular tissue.
1- skeletal muscle tissue
2- smooth muscle tissue
3- cardiac muscle tissue
How many types of contractile proteins?
Ans:- There are two types of contractile proteins
1- actin

Skeletal muscle tissue

Skeletal muscles are made of enlongated and cylindrical fibres. 
They are fast in nature. 
They are unbranched.
Each cell of Skeletal muscle is multinucleated.They have more than one nucleus.
Striations are present on skeletal muscle. ( Alternate pattern of dark and light band is called striations )
Skeletal muscle easily fatigue ( fatigue =थक जाना )
other name

skeleton muscles  - Skeletal muscle is called Skeletal muscle because they are attached to skeletal.
Striated muscles  - Skeletal muscle  is called Striated muscles because they have striations.
voluntary muscles  -  Skeletal muscle is called voluntary muscles because they are under the control of our will.


Skeletal muscle helps in body movement.
It helps in maintain  postures.
What are visceral organs?
Ans:- Those organs that are hollow and have cavity from inside are called visceral organs.  

peristalsis( पेरिस्टॉसिस )- peristalsis is a series of wave like contractions of the muscles that are involved in the food movement and in the movement of other liquid.

Smooth muscles / Visceral muscles
Smooth muscles is made of spindle shaped fibres. It is pointed at end. It has tapering end.
Smooth muscles have single and centrally located nucleus in each cell.
The striations are absent in Smooth muscles.
Smooth muscles are unbranched.
Smooth muscles are slow.
Smooth muscles do not fatigue.
other name
Visceral (विसेरल ) muscles- Smooth muscles are also called visceral muscles because they are found in visceral organs.
Unstriated muscles- Smooth muscles are also called unstriated muscles because striations are absent in them.
Involuntary muscles- Smooth muscles are also called involuntary muscles because they are not under the control of our will.
Smooth muscles are found in large intestine, small intestine, blood vessels, uterus, stomach, iris, bronchi of lungs and alimentary canal.
Smooth muscles perform peristalsis.
Cardiac muscles
The fibres of cardiac muscles are cylindrical in shape.
Each fibre of cardiac muscle is uninucleated.
The fibres of cardiac muscles are branched.
Striations are present in the fibres of cardiac muscles.
Cardiac muscles do not fatigue. 

other names

Cardiac muscles- cardiac muscles is known as cardiac muscles because they are only present in heart.
striated muscles- cardiac muscles is known as striated muscles because they have striations.
involuntary muscles- cardiac muscles is known as involuntary muscles because they they are not under the control of our will.
cardiac muscles perform contraction and relaxation in wall of heart. This help to pump and distribute blood to body.
Note:- Intercalated disc is present at the junction of cardiac muscles.
Connective tissue ( Third type of animal tissue )
Connective tissue connects various body parts.
It prevents organ from getting displaced by body movement.
It acts like binding, supporting and packing material.
The cells of connective tissue are loosely spaces.
Cells are embedded in an intercellular matrix.
Matrix may be jelly, fluid, dense or rigid.
Areolar connective tissue
areolar connective tissue is the type of tissue which connects and surrounds different organs in the human body. The important function of this type of tissue is that it provides nutrients to the cell and also acts as the cushion to protect the organs from various external forces. It is found between the skin and muscles, around blood vessels and nerves and in the bone marrow. It fills the space inside the organ, support internal organs and help in repair of tissue.
How many types of areolar connective tissue?
Ans:- There are two types of areolar connective tissue
1- loose connective tissue
2- Dense connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
The cells of loose connective tissue are present on loose gel like matrix. 
It is found between skin and muscles.
It is found around blood vessels and nerves.
It is found in bone marrow.
It is found in space inside organs.
It connects skin to muscles
It fills the space inside the organ therefor it is also called filler tissue.
It supports internal organs.
it helps in repair of tissues.  

Dense connective tissue

A type of tissue that is mostly made up of tough protein fibres called collagen and cells called fibroblasts. The matrix on which the cells imbedded is very dense in dense connective tissue.

How many types of Dense connective tissue?











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