Science - Class 1


Our Surroundings  

1:- What are living things? Write five examples. 

Ans:- Things which have lives are called living things. 

Ex:-  snake,  tree,  fish,  horse,  man

2:- What are non-living things? Write five examples.

Ans:- Things which have no lives are called non-living things.

Ex:- book, building , aeroplane, car,  pen


3:- What are natural things? Write five examples.

Ans:- Things that are made by nature are called natural things.

Ex:- river, forest , animal, mountain,bird


4:- What are man made things? Write five examples.

Ans:- Things that are made by man are called man made things.

Ex:- computer, car , building, aeroplane, table

5:- Write five features of living things.

Ans:- The five features of living things are

1- Living things grow .

2- Living things move on their own .

3- Living things die.

4- Living things feel .

5- Living things reproduce .


6:- Write five different between living things and non-living things. 

Ans:- The five different between living things and non-living things are:-

1- Living things grow but Non-living things do not grow. 

2- Living things move on their own but Non living things do not move on their own. 

3- Living things need food, air and water But Non-living things do not need food, air and water. 

4- Living things feel but Non-living things do not feel. 

5- Living things reproduce But Non-living things do not reproduce. 

(Plant World), TYPES OF PLANT

1:- How many types of plants?

Ans:- There are eight types of plants. 

          1- Herbs

          2- Shrubs

          3- Trees

          4- climbers

          5- Creepers 

          6- Thorny plants

          7- water plants

          8- seasonal plants

2:- What are herbs? Write five examples. 

Ans:- Very small, soft and green plants are called herbs.

Ex:- Spinach, Coriander, Mint, Basil, grass

3:- What are shrubs? Write two examples . 

Ans:- Small woody and bushy plants are called shrubs.

Ex:- rose, hibiscus, lemon

4:- What are trees? Write five examples. 

Ans:- very tall and strong plants are called trees.

Ex:- Coconut tree, Ashok tree, Mango tree, Banyan tree , peepal tree


5:- What are climbers? Write three examples. 

Ans:- Some plants have very weak stem. They need support to stand straight. These plants are called climbers.

 Ex:- Money plant,  Pea, Grape-vine

6:-What are creepers?  Write five examples. 

Ans:- Some plants grows along the ground are called creepers.

Ex:-  Pumpkin, Ground, Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber 


7:-What are thorny plants?  Write five examples. 

Ans:- Plants that have thorns are called thorny plants.
Ex:- cactus, rose, lemon, prickly pear, babool

7:-What are water plants?  Write five examples. 

Ans:- Plants that grow in water are called water plants.
Ex:- lotus, water lily, hydrila, water hyacinth , water chestnut


(PLANT WORLD) parts of plants  

1:- How many parts of a plant? Name them

Ans:- There are seven parts of a plant.

1- root

2- stem

3- branch

4- leaf

5- flower

6- fruit

7- bud 

2:- What is root?

Ans:- The part of the plant that fixes the plant to the ground is called root.

3:- What is stem?

Ans:- The part of the plant that found just above the soil is called stem. It carries food and water to all parts of the plant . It holds the plant upright.

4:- What is leaf?

Ans:- The part of the plant that makes food for the plant is called leaf.

5:- What is flower?

Ans:- The part of the plant that produces fruit is called flower.

6:- What does a plant need to grow?

Ans:- A plant needs sunlight, air, water and nutrients to grow. 

7:- What is nutrients?

Ans:- Useful things that plants take from the soil are called nutrients.

8:- Which is the tallest tree of the world?

Ans:- Redwood tree

9:- Which is the national flower of our country?

Ans:- lotus

8:- Which is the largest flower of the world?

Ans:- Rafflesia





 (PLANT WORLD) Growth of plants 

 1:- Write five flowers name. 
Ans:- 1- Rose
           2- Lotus
           3- Marigold 
           4- Dahlia
           5- Jasmine 
2:- Write three fruits name which have
      one seed. 
Ans:- 1- Cherry 🍒 
           2- Mango
           3- Litchi

3:- Write three fruits name which have 
      many seeds. 
Ans:- 1- Guava 
           2- Orange 🍊 
           3- Custard apple

4:- Write five name of seeds. 
Ans:- Kidney bean (Rajma) 
          Gram (Chana) 
          Pea (matar) 
          Corn 🌽

5:- Who have baby plant inside them? 
Ans:- Seeds have baby plant inside them.


(PLANT WORLD) Food from plants

 1:- Write three plants whose leaves we 
Ans:- Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage 

2:- Write three plants whose stems we 
Ans:- Potato, Ginger, Turmeric 

3:- Write three plants whose roots we
Ans:- Radish, Beetroot, Carrot 

4:- Write three plants whose flowers we
Ans:- Cauliflower, Bananaflower, Broccoli 

5:- Write three plants whose fruits we 
Ans:- Tomato, Brinjal, Pumpkin 

6:- Name of some fruits that we eat raw?
Ans:- Apple, Grapes, Pomegranate, Orange
          Banana, Guava.


(Animal WORLD) animal life


 1:- Write five name of big animals.

 Ans:- elephant, tiger, lion, giraffe, rhinoceros

2:- Write five name of small animals. 

Ans:- dog, rabbit, cat, deer,squirrel

3- Which is the largest living animal in the world?

Ans:- Blue whale is the largest living animal in the world.

4:- Which is the largest living animal on land?

Ans:- Elephant is the largest living animal on land.

5:- Which is the most intelligent animal?

Ans:- Chimpanzee

6:- Write five animals that live on land.

Ans:- elephant, lion, cow, dog, giraffe

7:- Write five animals that live on tree.

Ans:- squirrel, monkey, gibbon, sloth, tree-kangaroo

8:- Write five animals that live in water.

Ans:- dolphin, whale, fish, shark, octopus

8:- Write five animals that live on land as well as in water.

Ans:- frog, crocodile, tortoise, water snake, salamander

9:- Write five animals that live under the ground.

Ans:- rabbit, rat, mongoose, burrowing owl, snake



(Animal WORLD) birds life


1:- What is bird?

Ans:- Those animals that have two legs and two wings are called birds.

2:- Who help the birds to fly?

Ans:- Wings help the birds to fly.

2:- Who help the birds to eat?

Ans:- Beaks help the birds to eat.

3:- Write two birds that can swim in water.

Ans:- duck, swan

4:- Why do duck and swan swim in water?

Ans:- Duck and swan swim in water because they have webbed feet. 

5:- Which is the smallest bird in the world?

Ans:- hummingbird

6:- Which is the only bird that can fly backwards and sideways?

 Ans:- Hummingbirds

7:- Which bird can imitate sounds?

Ans:- Parrot

8:- Which bird has biggest beak in relation to its body?

Ans:- Toucan

9:- What are flightless birds? Write five example.

Ans:- Birds that can not fly are called flightless birds.

         Ex:- ostrich, emu, penguin, kiwi, cassowary

10:- Which is the largest bird of the world?

Ans:- ostrich

11:- Which is the second largest bird of the world?

Ans:- emu

12:- Which bird stitches leaves together to make nest?

Ans:-tailor bird

13:- Which bird makes nest with strips of banana leaves and grass?

Ans:-weaver bird


Chapter- 8

(Animal WORLD) insects life


1:- What are insects?

 Ans:- small animals that has six legs are called insects.

          Ex:- cockroach, ant, house fly, butter fly, honey bee

2:- Write five insects that have wings to fly.

 Ans:- house fly, butter fly, honey bee, mosquito, dragon fly

3:- Write three insects that live in colonies.

 Ans:- bees, termites, ants

4:- Why are spiders not insects

 Ans:- Spiders are not insects because they have eight legs.

  5:- Which is the most useful insects for human?

 Ans:- Honey bee is the most useful insects for human.

Chapter- 9

(Animal WORLD) Food and shelter for animals


1:- Why do animals need food?

 Ans:- Animals need food to live and grow.

2:- Write five animals that eat grains?

 Ans:- squirrel, hen, rat, parrot, sparrow.

3:- What is shelter?

 Ans:- A place that gives protection from heat, cold, rain and enemies is called a shelter.

4:- Why do animals need home?

 Ans:- Animals need home to remain safe from heat, cold, rain and enemies.

5:- Where do we keep fish in our homes?

 Ans:- We keep fish in aquarium in our homes.

6:- Write homes of these given animals


Their homes
















Under the tree



Honey bees














Chapter- 10

Our Body

1:- How many ears do you have?

Ans:- I have two ears.

2:- How many nose do you have?

Ans:- I have one nose.

3:- How many eyes do you have?

Ans:- I have two eyes.

4:- How many fingers do you have in each hand?

Ans:- I have five fingers in each hand. 

5:- Who help us to hold, throw, catch things, carry things, write, push and pull?

Ans:-Hands help us to hold, throw, catch things, carry things, write, push and pull.


6:- Who help us to walk, run, jump, kick, skip and dance?

Ans:-legs help us to walk, run, jump, kick, skip and dance.

7:- Write the name of five fingers of our hand?

Ans:-Thumb, Index finger, middle finger, ring finger and baby finger

8:- How many times do we breathe in a day?

Ans:-We breathe 23000 times in a day.

9:- How many times do we blink in a day?

Ans:-We blink 25000 times in a day.

10:- How many sense organs do we have? Name them

Ans:-We have five sense organs.
1- Eyes
2- Ears
3- Nose
4- Tongue
5- Skin

11:- Who help us to see?

Ans:-Eyes help us to see.

12:- Who help us to hear?

Ans:-Ears help us to hear.

13:- Who helps us to smell?

Ans:-Nose helps us to smell.

14:- Who helps us to taste?

Ans:-Tongue helps us to taste.

15:- Who helps us to feel and touch?

Ans:- Skin helps us to feel and touch.

16:- What are sense organs? Name five sense organs.

Ans:-The organs of our body that help us to see, smell, hear, taste and touch are called sense organs. The five sense organs are eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin.

Chapter- 11

food and Health

1:- Why do we need food?

Ans:- We need food to live, grow and stay healthy.

2:- Who gives us energy to work and play?

Ans:- Food gives us energy to work and play.

3:- Write five food items that help us to grow?

Ans:- The five food items that help us to grow are milk, pulses, eggs, fish and meat.

4:- Write five food items that give us energy?

Ans:- The five food items that give us energy are cereals, potato, sugar, butter and oil.

5:- Write five food items that keep us healthy?

Ans:- The five food items that keep us healthy are vegetables, fruits, milk, egg and meat. 

6:- Write five food items that we get from plants?

Ans:- The five food items that we get from plants are cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables and cooking oil.

7:- Write five food items that we get from animals?

Ans:- The five food items that we get from animals are milk, meat, fish, honey, egg. 

8:- Write five food items that are made from milk?

Ans:- The five food items that are made from milk are curd, paneer, ice-cream, butter and ghee. 

9:- Write five vegetables that are eaten raw as salad?

Ans:- The five vegetables that are eaten raw as salad are carrot, tomato, cucumber, radish and chilly.

10:- Why should we drink milk daily?

Ans:- We should drink milk daily because milk is a complete food. It makes our bones and teeth strong. 

11:- Write five healthy eating habits.

Ans:- The five healthy eating habits are
1- Wash hands before and after meal.
2- Never eat uncovered and stale food
3- Eat fresh food prepared at home.
4- drink clean and pure water.
5- eat slowly and chew the food well.

12:- What are vegetarians?

Ans:- People who do not eat eggs, meat and fish are called vegetarians.

13:- What are Non-vegetarians?

Ans:- People who eat eggs, meat and fish are called Non-vegetarians. 

14:- What are Eggetarians?

Ans:- People who eat eggs but not meat and fish are called Eggetarians.

15:- What are vegans?

Ans:- People who do not eat any animal food, even milk are called vegans.

Chapter- 12

Keeping Clean


1:- Write five good habits that help us to keep fit and healthy?

Ans:- The five good habits that help us to keep fit and healthy are
1- brush our teeth every morning and before going to bed.
2- Take a bath daily.
3- Keep our eyes, ears and nose clean.
4- Keep our nails short and clean.
5- Wash our hands before and after every meal. 

Chapter- 13



1:- Why do we need a house?

Ans:-We need a house because house keeps us safe from hot sun, cold wind and rain. It also keeps us safe from wild animals and thieves.

2:- Where do you bath and wash cloths  in your house?

Ans:- Bathroom

3:- Where do you study in your house?

Ans:- studyroom

4:- Where do you cook food in your house?

Ans:- kitchen

5:- Where do you sleep in your house?

Ans:- bedroom

6:- Where do you take dinner and lunch in your house?

Ans:- Diningroom

7:- Where do you watch television in your house?

Ans:- living room

8:- Where do you brush your teeth in your house?


Chapter- 14


1:- Why do we need clothes?

Ans:-We need clothes because clothes protect us from heat, rain , wind and cold.

2:- What are cotton clothes?

Ans:-Clothes made from cotton are called cotton clothes. 

3:- Why do we wear cotton clothes in summer?

Ans:-We wear cotton clothes in summer because cotton clothes keep our bodies cool.

4:- What are woollen clothes?

Ans:-Clothes made from wool are called woollen clothes. 

5:- Why do we wear woollen clothes in winter?

Ans:-We wear woollen clothes in winter because woollen clothes keep our bodies warm. 

6:- Why do we wear raincoat or carry an umbrella in rainy season?

Ans:- We wear raincoat or carry an umbrella because they protect us from getting wet.

7:- Where do we get cotton from?

Ans:- We get cotton from cotton plant

8:- Where do we get wool from?

Ans:- We get wool from sheep.

Chapter- 15

 Keeping Safe


1:- What is the safety means?

Ans:-Safety means staying away from harm.

2:- What are safety rules?

Ans:-The certain rules that we follow to stay safe are called safety rules. 

3:- Write five safety rules that we should follow at home?

1- We should not play with switches and plugs.
2- We should not play with sharp tools.
3- We should not play with matchsticks.
4- We should keep our things in their proper places.
5- We should inform our parents when we get hurt.

4:- Write five safety rules that we should follow at school?

1- We should walk in a line.
2- We should not try to get on or get down from a moving bus.
3- We should not run around in the classroom.
4- If we get hurt, we should inform our teacher.

5:- Write five safety rules that we should follow on the road?

1- We should not run or play on the road.
2- We should cross the road only when the signal is green.
3- We should use zebra crossing to cross the road.
4- We should must follow the traffic rules.

6:- What is the meaning of red light of traffic?

Ans:- Red light means to stop.

7:- What is the meaning of yellow light of traffic?

Ans:- Yellow light means to get ready.

8:- What is the meaning of green light of traffic?

Ans:- Green light means to go.

Chapter- 16

 Keeping healthy


1:- What is cleanliness?

Ans:- The habit of staying clean is called cleanliness.

2:- Write five good habits that we can follow to keep ourselves clean?

1- Brush our teeth twice a day.
2- take a bath every day.
3- Comb our hair to keep it tidy.
4- Wash our hands before and after eating food.
5- Wear clean clothes every day.

3:- What keep us fit and healthy?

Ans:- Rest, exercise and play keep us fit and healthy.

4:- Who gives us rest and makes us feel fresh?

Ans:- Sleep gives us rest and makes us feel fresh.

5:- How much time should we try to sleep every night?

Ans:- Seven to eight hours

6:- Who help to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean?

Ans:- Good habits help to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean

7:- Write four good habits that help to keep our surroundings clean?

1- Throw wastes into dustbin.
2- Do not spit on the floor or on the road.
3- Cover our mouth with a handkerchief while sneezing or coughing.
4- Do not write on the walls of houses or buildings.

Chapter- 17



1:- Why can we not see air?

Ans:- We can not see air because air is colourless.

2:- Why do we need air?

Ans:- We need air to breathe.

3:- What is wind?

Ans:- Moving air is called wind.

4:- Write two properties of air?

Ans:- The two properties of air are
1- Air has weight
2- Air occupies space.

5:- Write two uses of air?

Ans:- The two uses of air are
1- All living things need air to breathe.
2- Air is needed for burning.

Chapter- 18



1:- Why do we need water?

Ans:- We need water for drinking, washing, bathing and cooking food.

2:- What is the colour of water?

Ans:- Water is colourless.

3:- Where do we get water from?

Ans:- We get water from rain, rivers, ponds, lakes, wells and tap.

4:- Write five uses of water.

Ans:- The five uses of water are
1- Water is used for cooking. 
2- Water is used for washing clothes.
3- Water is used for bathing.
4- Water is used for drinking and watering the plants.
5- Water is used for putting out the fire. 

5:- Write five important sources of water.

Ans:- The five important sources of water are rain, rivers, ponds, lakes and wells .

Chapter- 19

 Weather and Season


1:- What is weather?

Ans:- The weather is the condition of the air of a place at a particular time.

2:- How many types of weather?

Ans:- There are six types of weather.
1- sunny
2- cloudy
3- windy
4- rainy
5- foggy
6- cold

3:- What is season?

Ans:- When the same weather  continuous for a period of time. It is called a season.

4:- How many main season in India?

Ans:- There are three main season in India.
1- Summer season
2- Rainy season
3- Winter Season

5:- Write ten lines on summer season.

Summer is the hottest season.
It is very sunny season.
The hot wind blows in summer season.
We sweat a lot in summer season.
We enjoy cold drink and ice cream in summer season.
We drink a lot of water in summer season.
We eat fruits like mango, litchi and watermelon in summer season.
We use cooler and air conditioners in summer season.
We wear cotton clothes in summer season. 
In summer season days are longer than nights. 

6:- Write five lines on rainy season.

The rainy season is also called monsoon.
It rains a lot during the rainy season.
We wear rain coat and umbrella in rainy season.
We see the rainbow in the sky during the rainy season.
Rain is good for us.

7:- Write ten lines on winter season.

Winter is the coldest season.
December, January and February are winter months
The cold wind blows in winter season.
We like to play in sun in winter season.
We enjoy warm milk and hot soup in winter season.
We use heater to keep us warm in winter season.
We use blanket to keep us warm in winter season.
We eat fruits like apple, papaya and pomegranate in winter season.
We wear woollen clothes in winter season. 
In winter season nights are longer than days. 
We use heater to keep us warm in winter season. 

8:- Which season is not very hot and not very cold?

Ans:-  Spring season

9:- In which season flowers are bloom?

Ans:- Spring season 

10:- In which season trees shed their leaves?

Ans:- Autumn season 

Chapter- 20

The Sun Moon and Stars


1:-What is sun?

Ans:- Sun is a star. It is a hot yellow ball of fire. It is the nearest star to the earth.

2:-Who shines brightly during the day?

Ans:- The sun shines brightly during the day.

3:-When do we see the sun?

Ans:- We see the sun during the day.

4:-In which direction does the sun rise?

Ans:- The sun rises in the east.

5:-In which direction does the sun set?

Ans:- The sun sets in the west.

6:-What is moon?

Ans:- Moon is the natural satellite of earth. It revolves around the earth. It completes it revolution in 28 days.It shines by the light of sun.

7:-When do we see the moon?

Ans:- We see the moon during the night.

8:-What are phases of the moon?

Ans:- The changing shapes of the moon are called phases of the moon.

9:-How does the moon shine?

Ans:-The moon shines by the light of sun.

10:-What are stars?

Ans:- The heavenly bodies which have its own heat and light are called stars.

11:-Why do stars look like very small?

Ans:-Stars look like very small because they are very very far away from us.













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